The Holidays – Not Always So Happy

Hi Everyone,

You would think that Christmas is the happiest time for all yet this plainly is not so.  Christmas is at best a time of great stress, whether it is from battling the crowds at stores, feeling excited or sad, or unable to get out in the first place. It reminds us of past holiday celebrations when our loved ones were healthy and well. It reminds of us when being part of the excitement was easy compared to being a caregiver now. 

The internet helps those stay-at-home shoppers.  But then there’s the financial part, whether buying  in person or on line.

Perhaps this is another opportunity to refer to our ‘gratitude’ list or add to it. Doing so may help relieve some of the tension and remind us all that this is the season to be grateful for what we have while being aware of how things keep changing.

Perhaps we should ask for the gift of relieving us by helping out.  Perhaps we should ask for the gift of stopping by to visit us, bringing some good coffee or a a snack.

As our loved ones keep living in the moment, so do we need to live in the moment and appreicate all that we have.

I’m with you,


About Judith London, Ph.D.

A licensed psychologist with over 21 years of experience in the field of Alzheimer's and related dementia, Dr. London is the author of the book, "Connecting the Dots: Breakthroughs in Communication as Alzheimer's Advances." Written for relatives, friends and caregivers, this book shows you how to reach out and re-establish a connection and communicate with your loved one. Currently, Dr London is completing her second book, "Support for Alzheimer's Caregivers:The Unsung Heroes."
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